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Selasa, 27 September 2011

Michael Jackson jury - two-thirds are fans

Two-thirds of the jury for Michael Jackson's doctor Conrad Murray's trial are fans of the late singer, it has been reported.
Murray faces claims of involuntary manslaughter after being accused of killing the King of Pop with an overdose of powerful sedatives in June 2009.

According to British paper The Sun, 400 potential jurors were required to take a 30-page questionnaire before being selected for the panel.
One question read: "Have you ever considered yourself a fan of Michael Jackson or the Jackson family?"
Answers from the seven men and five women selected for the jury have revealed that eight said they were fans of the star.
One woman explained that she loved Jackson's music when she was a child, while another said she was a fan of his iconic album Thriller.
The panel consists of 12 people aged from 32 to 57 and is made up of six white jurors, five Hispanic and one African-American.

Defence lawyer Michael Flanagan has insisted that he is happy with the final selection of jurors.
Meanwhile, Murray's lawyers failed to get news footage of Jackson's press conference for his O2 residency in London used as evidence.
The team were planning to claim Jackson was "under the influence" at the announcement, which occurred three months ahead of his death.
The trial of Murray starts today in Los Angeles, where his lawyers will argue that Jackson administered the fatal dose of sedatives himself while the doctor was out of the room.

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