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Jumat, 23 September 2011

Blind gossip!

1) “This actress on an acclaimed television show had a pre-Emmy photo shoot and interview scheduled with a magazine last week. In general, when a journalist conducts an interview for a magazine, it’s a puff piece, and things go pretty smoothly. If the actress doesn’t like a question, the publicist usually intervenes, the matter is settled amicably, and the interview continues. Not in this case.
“The journalist began to probe some areas of the actress’ life outside of her current project. More specifically, she asked the actress to address a Blind Gossip item that implied that the actress may have been awarded some roles for talents having to do with something other than acting. Uh-oh. The stunned actress glared at the journalist, and then sarcastically replied, “Sure. Right after you tell me which guys you slept with to get your job. Then we can compare.”
“The journalist then asked if the actress was going to be deposed in a legal proceeding against an entertainment executive who was allegedly fired over inappropriate relationships with some of the talent – our actress included.
“The agitated actress leapt out of her chair and started screaming at both the journalist and the publicist. “This is bullsh*t! I’m sick of these f*cking rumors!” The publicist was unable to calm her down, and the argument escalated, with everyone pointing fingers and screaming at each other. The entire crew stood around uncomfortably, not knowing what to do. The actress couldn’t care less that she had a big audience.
““F*ck off! All of you!” she finally screamed, and stormed out of the room.
“After a few phone calls by her publicist and a twenty-minute walk to cool down, the actress returned. To her credit, she did walk up to each photographer, stylist, and crew member, and apologize for her behavior. A new journalist was brought in, and the interview and photo shoot continued.
“Oh, and about that fired entertainment executive: We’ll leave it up to you to figure out who he is, and which role our actress received after sleeping with him.” [Blind Gossip]

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